Monday, September 20, 2010

Workshop Week 3 Date: 17th Dec 2010

ALL workshops will be conducted on Friday (time: please refer below). To register, please send your info (FULL NAME, ID, IC/PASSPORT NO., CONTACT NO., EMAIL, CGPA, GENDER)to Your information will be kept confidential.

Workshop 1: Neurolinguistics Programming
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Azree Idris
Venue: Audio Visual Room 2, Level 4, IKAL
Time: 2.30 - 5 pm
Person-in-charge: Rasyid at 0134723900

Workshop 2: Career Path Planning
Speaker: Mdm. Husni Mohd Radzi
Venue: Audio Visual Room 1, Level 4, IKAL
Time: 2.30 - 5 pm
Person-in-charge: Azureen at 0132976707

Workshop 3: Journal Writing COE
Speaker: Dr. Hussein A. Mohammed
Venue: Multimedia Room 2, Level 4, IKAL
Time: 2.30 - 5.00pm
Person-in-charge: Abdurraman at 0102939492

Limited to 35 participants only! Register fast!

SCORUN will be granted to ALL participants!

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